Interface DiscoveryOptions


  • DiscoveryOptions


address?: string

address to bind udp socket

breakoutChildren?: boolean

if device has multiple outlets, create a separate plug for each outlet, otherwise create a plug for the main device

Default Value

broadcast?: string

broadcast address

Default Value

deviceOptions?: DeviceOptionsDiscovery

passed to device constructors

deviceTypes?: ("plug" | "bulb")[]
devices?: DiscoveryDevice[]

known devices to query instead of relying only on broadcast

devicesUseDiscoveryPort?: boolean

Set device port to the port it responded with to the discovery ping

Default Value

discoveryInterval?: number

Interval in (ms)

Default Value

discoveryTimeout?: number

Timeout in (ms)

Default Value

excludeMacAddresses?: string[]

MAC will be normalized, comparison will be done after removing special characters (:,-, etc.) and case insensitive, glob style *, and ? in pattern are supported

Default Value

filterCallback?: ((sysInfo) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (sysInfo): boolean
    • called with fn(sysInfo), return truthy value to include device


      Returns boolean

macAddresses?: string[]

MAC will be normalized, comparison will be done after removing special characters (:,-, etc.) and case insensitive, glob style *, and ? in pattern are supported

Default Value

offlineTolerance?: number

Number of consecutive missed replies to consider offline

Default Value

port?: number

port to bind udp socket

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